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MAC/MLA’s Research Mentoring Program

The Mid Atlantic Chapter of MLA’s Research & Assessment Committee is starting a research mentoring program for its chapter where individuals can be connected to a mentor for help with their research projects.  I serve as chair of the MAC/RAC and I’m looking for some experienced librarians who would like to serve as research mentors.

If you have at least 5 years’ experience with research, please consider sharing your knowledge and abilities with others by becoming a mentor.  Some of the benefits you might experience as a mentor are:   collaborating with mentee librarians with diverse experiences, skills and contacts;  and,  meeting others who have career goals, interests, and job functions similar to yours.  It’s also a great way to give back to the profession if you have benefited from a mentor in the past.  Application forms for both research  mentors and mentees are located on the MAC/MLA website at: .

Please contact me if you are interested.  I can be reached at (304) 293-1921, or by email,

Thank you,


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