Screencasting Software

From Alan Williams:

Great idea on the blog, I love it.  Just thought I would try out a post and talk about a resource I have been using to provide screencasts for distance education nursing students here at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU).  The resource is called “Screencast-O-Matic” and is very easy to use. It allows you to host your screencasts online and gives you statistics on the number of times your screencast has been viewed.  I have found this to be a nice free tool to use when you can’t get your hands on Camtasia.  So far I have had nothing, but positive comments on my screencasts which by the way can be converted into a Quicktime file.  Check it out at .
Alan T. Williams
Education Services Librarian (Team Leader)
Tompkins-McCaw Library-VCU Libraries

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